Lifestyle and Parenthood · Makeup, Youtube, Videos

2019? Thank you, Next.

Well 2019 was a bit sh*tty to be honest, for us. 2020 so far also leaves room for improvement! 2019 was the year we (myself and hubby) realised a few things: The way we were dealing with our finances was not sustainable.There is a lot more required to achieve balance after having a child, even… Continue reading 2019? Thank you, Next.

Makeup, Youtube, Videos

How am I? Oh, Struggling on…

We all have that niggle in our head that we feel like people aren't prepared for the truth of our answer when they say "How are you?". When you ask anyone else that question, in all honesty are you really genuinely asking? Or is it just a conversational opener? I wonder whether this is our problem with mental health, whether it's a problem with the person asking or the hesitation of the person answering to respond with unvarnished honesty.