Makeup, Youtube, Videos

Returning to Work After Baby

It seems like only a short time ago that we were bringing Christian home from the hospital, and not too long before that waddling around with my bump, wondering if I would stay pregnant forever! (I went 1wk 6days past my due date before being induced). I've had 6 glorious months off, but we now… Continue reading Returning to Work After Baby


Madrid Blog: Work Open Day and some touristy stuff!

Hello Lovelies! So yes - my destination for the work trip was Madrid! We arrived on Thursday night at 10pm in the end and it was still 26 degrees outside! Could get used to this!   I have to say, I do it very seldom but I love flying. It's amazing the perspective it brings… Continue reading Madrid Blog: Work Open Day and some touristy stuff!


Career Post: Travelling with work – a brief introduction and how-to.

So for the first time in any job I've had, I'm getting to travel abroad with my work! Now it doesn't normally happen as I carry out an office manager/ admin/ PA function in my role, but on this occasion they have some heavy front end admin that they'll need me with them to support.… Continue reading Career Post: Travelling with work – a brief introduction and how-to.