Lifestyle and Parenthood · Uncategorized

Working full-time without Childcare

Childcare. Anna Whitehouse on LinkedIn said that " It’s a system that’s priced nearly half a million British mothers out of work according to think tank IPPR (Institute for Public Policy Research) " Childcare is like a swear word in our house. I won't go into it in detail, but the short version is that… Continue reading Working full-time without Childcare

Makeup, Youtube, Videos

Returning to Work After Baby

It seems like only a short time ago that we were bringing Christian home from the hospital, and not too long before that waddling around with my bump, wondering if I would stay pregnant forever! (I went 1wk 6days past my due date before being induced). I've had 6 glorious months off, but we now… Continue reading Returning to Work After Baby